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  • 更新时间: 2022-07-11
  • 产品型号:HI8427
  • 简单描述
  • HI8427 pH/ORP电极模拟器用于HI8711

HI8427 pH/ORP电极模拟器

HI 8427 is designed specifically to simulate pH and ORP electrodes and to confirm proper functioning of your meter. Standard pH electrode ranges are selectable with a dial on the front panel. The pH range is pH 0, pH 2, pH 4, pH 7, pH 10, pH 12 and pH 14 with the mV range being -1900 mV, -350 mV, +350 mV and +1900 mV.

Manual temperature compensation from 0 to 50°C (32 to 122°F) allows temperature simulation. Provided with a universal BNC connector, this unit is also a high impedance tester, for cable and connector inspection with a leakage sensitivity of 109 ohm. This unique tester is a "one of a kind" in the industry that eliminates the need for very expensive mega ohm meters.

Sometimes it is difficult to work out whether a particular malfunction is due to the meter or the electrode. If you have been in this position, theHANNA®precision HI 931001 pH/ORP electrode simulator is the perfect solution for you. By simply connecting HI 931001 to your meter's input socket and turning the dials, pH readings can be simulated from 0 to 14 pH in 0.01 steps. The output signals all correspond to pH values at 25°C and your pH meter should display the same values that can be seen on the simulators LCD.

For the mV range, HI 931001 can simulate output from -1000 to +1000 mV in 1 mV steps.

Order Information:
HI 8427 is supplied with HI 7858/1 BNC/BNC connection cable (1m, 3.3' long), battery and instructions.

HI8427 pH/ORP电极模拟器价格、HI8427 资料及HI8427 参数


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